Alex, I agree with the idea of the GB announcing an imminent escalation of Biblical doom. This would justify the selling and creaming off the profit from sales of the kingdom halls they have 'relieved' from local congregation ownership.
But I ask the same question where on earth did all the money go? If they had an annual income of approaching two billion from all sources in the recent years, their worldly hubris gave them confidence to build even more than they they expected to finance. Their vision of worldly grandeur was not sustainable.
The income has obviously plummeted and this is related to and commensurate with loss of confidence in the televangelist governing body TV extravaganza. A situation they were forced into as demagogues after the demise of the printed page.
I am inclined to Vidiot's view that their belief beyond belief was that their God would in their own phraseology "bless them", they have no such blessing.